Happy Holidays from HiFi Simulation Technologies!

As 2024 draws to a close, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude, reflect on this year’s achievements, and share our exciting plans for the upcoming year. First and foremost, we extend a sincere thank you to our customers, supporters, development partners and dedicated staff. Your support is the bedrock of our[…]

ASFS SU1 Update with MSFS2024 Support!

NOTE: For the latest information and new early beta builds, please see our ASFS forum! Service Update 1 (SU1), B9115, is NOW AVAILBLE and contains MSFS2024 support! We’re pleased to relay the great news that ASFS is now dual-compatible with MSFS2020 and MSFS2024 without any upgrade fee for previous ASFS users! Thanks to all those[…]