
Configuring XPax
Using XPax
Main Screen
Manifest Screen
Diagram Screen
Aircraft Screen
Report Screen
Options Screen
Networked Configuration

SimConnect Troubleshooting

Aircraft Screen

The Aircraft Screen is used to browse and select an aircraft for use with XPax.

When you connect to FS, your aircraft type is automatically detected and the selected aircraft shown here will be updated.  After automatic detection you can choose any aircraft shown in the list.

You can also change the saved cabin type for a particular aircraft by first selecting the aircraft, then selecting the desired cabin configuration in the drop-down list.  Changes made here are instant and saved automatically.  Use caution!  If you wish to only change the temporary cabin type without changing the saved aircraft cabin type, change the cabin type via the Diagram screen.

To filter the list of aircraft, use the Filter drop-down list and select the desired cabin type (or Any) to show only those particular aircraft.