
Configuring XPax
Using XPax
Main Screen
Manifest Screen
Diagram Screen
Aircraft Screen
Report Screen
Options Screen
Networked Configuration

SimConnect Troubleshooting

Using XPax

XPax can be started using the Desktop icon or Start/Programs/HiFi/XPax programs menu item.  It can be started before or after FSX, but we recommend starting it after you have set your aircraft and position at the gate within FS.

Once XPax is started, you will be presented the main interface at the Main Screen.  The button area on the top lets you navigate through the main areas of XPax, and is always visible.

All the screens that these buttons access are explained in detail in the next sections of this documentation, starting with the Main Screen.

The "Help" button will bring up this documentation.

"Launch FS" will start FS if it is installed on this system.

By default, all automatic options are enabled so as soon as FS is loaded at the gate and the parking brake is set, the jetway will connect, the door will open and passengers will begin loading.  If you've disabled automatic options, you can use the manual connect and boarding buttons on the Main Screen.

From here you can carry on your flight in any way you'd like, and XPax will simulate your passengers!

While passengers are loading or unloading, XPax will automatically adjust your aircraft weight via the simulator interface.  Be careful about overloading your aircraft!  Too many passengers/cargo can cause any aircraft to become un-flyable.

All the information screens will update in real time, so you can watch the entire boarding process complete as desired.  The Diagram screen is a great place to watch the individual seats becoming occupied.

XPax Window Controls

You'll notice these 3 buttons on the top right of the XPax program.  These are, from left to right: Send to System Tray, Minimize and Quit.  Sending to System Tray will hide XPax and put an icon down near your Windows clock.  To bring it back up, simply double-click the icon in the tray.  Minimize will hide XPax and put the XPax item in the Windows taskbar.  Simply alt-tab to it or click the taskbar item to see it again.  When you're finished using XPax , hit the Quit button.

When you are using XPax and FS on a single machine, FS performance can be an issue when viewing videos.  You can restore performance by minimizing or sending XPax to the system tray with the window control buttons.  You can also disable videos if desired within the options screen.

When using XPax on a remote machine, FS performance is not an issue.


Passengers have individual stats that are tracked and simulated throughout the flight based on your performance.  You can reduce the approval rating of a passenger by scaring him/her, flying abruptly, landing hard, banking or pitching too much, etc.  Many different parameters are tracked and only a perfectly smooth performance will result in the highest approval ratings and overall scores.

You can also injure passengers by various means including imposing excess g-forces, rolling or pitching beyond safe limits, opening the cabin door while above 10,000ft (cabin depressurization and hypoxia), etc.

Your performance stats are shown on the main and report screens.  Your PIC record items are persistent and saved until you create a new PIC profile.

Ranking Points are accrued by safely delivering happy passengers.  Conversely, they are deducted by bad approval ratings.  Establishing a high score requires consistently delivering happy and uninjured passengers.

Note that the approval rating system can be adjusted in sensitivity (or disabled) within the options screen.